Corporate fundraising

Corporate fundraising

Why choose East Cheshire NHS Charity?

At East Cheshire NHS Charity, we believe in the power of local partnerships. When businesses and organisations join forces with us, we can achieve remarkable things.

Corporate fundraising

Corporate fundraising

Why choose East Cheshire NHS Charity?

At East Cheshire NHS Charity, we believe in the power of local partnerships. When businesses and organisations join forces with us, we can achieve remarkable things.

Corporate fundraising provides a unique opportunity for companies to demonstrate their commitment to social responsibility while supporting our local hospitals and care communities. Here’s how fundraising for East Cheshire NHS Charity can benefit your company as well as the local community:

How we can help

How can your company get involved

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Sponsorship is a great way to support the charity while increasing your brand awareness. Here are some of our upcoming events which are available to sponsor – get in touch to find out about our range of sponsorship opportunities.

Macclesfield Pancake Day Race: Tuesday 5th March 2025

Macclesfield’s annual pancake day race takes place on Shrove Tuesday every year. Competing teams run a relay race up and down a short course between the Town Hall and Mill Street, while flipping a pancake in a frying pan!

Macclesfield running festival: Sunday 27th October 2024

East Cheshire NHS Charity are the official charity partner for Macclesfield Running Festival 2024. We have four charity sponsorship packages available, ranging from £500 to £4,000. Packages include company logos on running vests, press releases, social media shout outs and free places in the race for your staff.

Advertise your business at Macclesfield Hospital

Are you looking for a new way to advertise your business to people across East Cheshire? Each year a significant amount of people visit Macclesfield Hospital and with the prime location of our advertising boards you could be promoting your business to them.


  • £100 per board per month
  • Size of the display: A0

How does it work?

Register your interest by clicking here.

Our charity team will review your form and be in touch with any questions.

Businesses must design and print your own A0 poster, which will be put up by the charity team on the multistorey car park.

*Please note all businesses must pay for their own printing costs.

**Payment of advertising space must be made in advance for the full time the poster are up.

Charity of the Year

Why not choose East Cheshire NHS Charity as your Charity of the Year? We will work with you to build a calendar of engaging fundraising events and activities for your company, including:

  • A presentation with an introduction to the charity
  • A letter to send to staff about the charity
  • Support with your events, including collection buckets and branded merchandise
  • Shoutouts on our social media to celebrate your fundraising
  • A celebration at the end of the year
Gift in Kind

Could your company support us by donating items for our fundraising events, staff and patients? Gifts in kind could include items for raffle prizes or events, or even a service or professional advice. When you give in kind, you are helping us to increase our funds, resources and support for our local community.

Match fundraising

Donating a small percentage of your profits from certain products or services can make a huge difference to our fundraising. Also, offering match funding can help motivate your employees to take part by boosting the amount they can raise.

You can help support East Cheshire NHS Charity in so many ways. Your time, as well as fundraising, makes a real difference. Getting involved with our charity is a great way of not only raising the profile of your organisation, but also bringing people in your teams together, having fun and raising money to support your local NHS charity. Please just get in touch with our fundraising team to find out how your business can get involved.


Head of Communications and Engagement, East Cheshire NHS Trust


Your fundraising toolkit

Check out our toolkit to find out how you can get your hands on everything you need to run a great event.

Hall of fame


NHS donate

Get in touch

If you have any questions or would like more information please feel free to contact us.
+44 (0)1625 661184

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